About Us
Welcome to A MI MANERA Adult Daycare. We’re the number 1 attention center in daycare for elderly and older adults with physical, social and emotional needs. Thank you for choosing us and visiting our website
Our Mission
Promoting comprehensive health and wellness for older adults of our community, giving them excellent daycare that improves their quality of life.
Our Vision
Being the model project for older adult daycares in the State of Florida.

Our Values
C ommitment
E mpathy
L oyalty
E xcellence
B elong
R espect
A uthenticity
R esponsability
E ffort
I ntegrity
D edication
Comfort and Security
A MI MANERA Adult Daycare offers comfort and security.
The center is very cozy. The carefully selected furniture, its set-up, and the decoration details are meant to evoke the warmth of a maternal home, which revives the participants’ memories.
We also took into account people with physical limitations in the organization of the physical space for them to be able to move with complete freedom to participate in and enjoy all of the activities.
Comfort and Security
Comfortable furniture
Wide spaces
Hygiene and Aromatherapy
A MI MANERA Adult Daycare has become, for many older adults, a second home of their choosing. We make your experience and pleasant one.